Mathworks Math Modeling Challenge 2022
Mathworks Math Modeling Challenge 2022
Team of 4 people
Topic : Remote Work : Fad or Future
Language : Python
Top 18%
Team of 2
KidneyConnect - Built a web application to connect organ donors and recipients securely and anonymously via the Ethereum blockchain
(Language: Solidity, Javascript)
Bay Area Hacks July 2020
Bay Area Hacks July 2020
Team of 2
CovidControl: Built an iOS prototype app that lets the user know if they have come in contact with a person carrying COVID-19
(Language: Objective C)
NuevaHacks III Apr 2020
NuevaHacks III Apr 2020
JobTracker: Developed a web application that scrapes various websites for open job roles and displays them to the seeker during peak unemployment times (Language: Python, Javascript)